Norwich Rising is back in its 3rd year after it was about to be cancelled due to the organisers having too much on at the moment. It has taken a new turn with new people stepping up to help. The Rising is taking place at the Forum in Norwich on the 14 th Feb at 1 pm 2015. Everyone will be dancing to Break the chain here and round the world with One billion and rising. If you need to brush up on the dance or learn it from the beginning there is rehearsals with professional dance teacher Miriam Gita, at the Silver rooms on Silver road, NR3 4TB. The Silver rooms is a new community centre that was saved from demolition. To raise funds for centre there will be tea and coffee for sale at a pound a cup. Dance classes are free for all to come along and if you bring children they can either join in the dance or be supervised by a partner or friend that you bring along. The class will be one hour or more depending how much you want to learn. The rehearsals are on the 1st and 8th of February at 3pm and then on Friday the 13th there will be one in the evening which still needs to be confirmed.
Norwich Rising is Grass roots project it has no funding and its up to people to join in and support. Please share the poster and what ever way you would like to show support.