Monday, 20 October 2014

Dandifest launch night

Photos by Ruski 

Dandifest launch night everything is up in the church of art and other exhibitions around Norwich 

People start arriving

Ceramics is standing by

Dugald is ready 

People are listening

Artists are talking

Vince Laws is poeting

Pequlia Bigtopp officially opens Dandifest 2014

The Norwich Dandies get rapped in ribbon and get the ribbon snip

Group photo

Pequlia tells all and Telly Shelly films

The place becomes filled with people

Shelly films Dugald Ferguson in bed

Ann Nicholls says a few words

Dandy Angel films on the i-pad

Happy days

Pride shop is well looked after. Dandifest teamed up with Pride so they could get there awareness and fundraising in early Norwich Pride is funded by people buying rainbows

Vince Laws and Ad Thacker in red and white costumes. The Dandies like to dress up nearly all the time

Vince Laws chatting to Shelly Telly

Johnny Jump band tune up

Michelle from "Hate Free Norfolk" teams up with Dandifest 

My Mental Helmut. Vince Laws Poem while wearing a moterbike helmut with words all over. When Vince wears the helmut this is how he feels when depresses, a feeling of isolation, heaviness.

Johnny Jump band hit the notes and rock out

Andy Hines manages the band and plays

Pat Garmen on Drums

Alexandra Blythe on double bass

Babies asleep ceramics

Dugald read Pequlia a story

Eloise O'Hare and Pequlia

Eloise is given a tambourine to join in thats Dandifest

Dandy Angel 

Laughing is had

Dancing begins

Clapping along

Secret reviews of the show

Cuddling up

Letting hair down

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