Monday, 31 March 2014

Karl Somers Dandifest poster

Last night Karl Somers in Ireland made a poster for Dandifest as a Thank you for finding him an exhibition space at Nunns Yard gallery on St. Augustines which you can see from 30th April to 10th May. His Work is at Nunns Yard Gallery is called "Back in Ten Minutes'. He is sending it all the way from Ireland so it be great if you go and see it.

Norfolk County Council at Dandifest

The council are fabulous, Norfolk County Council have kindly given us a small community grant. We will now put there logo on everything as requested.

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Print and Share Pequlias Poster

Pequlias Art with a capital F show has now got an amazing poster designed by George Leeder. Leave a message if you would like a copy emailed you. This poster will look great in your office or home.
OOH and dont forget to buy a ticket from Epic Studio The show is on the 3rd of May 2014 at Epic studios and its going to be an Epic show.

Pequlia Bigtopp fundraising for musical keys

Pequlia Bigtopp will be fundraising for musical keys she is going to be doing the best show that ever happened in Norwich at Epic studios on the 3rd May a Big Saturday Night sensation.
Please come along and support Musical keys and Pequlia's mega show. You can buy tickets from Epic studios. Pequlia will need some volunteers to help her out on the big night with the show and shaking buckets get in touch with her make friends with her on facebook 

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Nunns Yard Gallery is now in Dandifest

Nunn's Yard Gallery is now in Dandifest showing Artist Karl Somers work all the way Ireland called Back in Ten Minutes. Karl's work has humour and a serious side too. A form of escapism in and out of reality. His funny work really suits the Norwich Dandies sense of humour. Karl and his fiancee Nicola both legends from Ireland who ran a Tearooms and the Platform gallery at Tullynally castle. There gallery now runs as a pop up gallery.
Work will be at the Nunn's Yard Gallery from the 30th April to the 10th May in the window.
31, St. Augustines St, Norwich, NR3 3BY
The gallery is part of a group of gallery's along St. Augustine's street, worth having a little wander and checking them all out. Here is a link to Nunn's Yard Gallery to see for yourself.

Pequlia’s art with a capital ‘F’ at Epic studios for Dandifest

As part of Dandifest 2014
Pequlia’s art with a capital ‘F’

Join her for this wild, exciting one night only extravaganza!!!
She will be joined by some talented friends as well as doing her a game show with the chance to win fabulous prizes!

Pequlia Bigtopp is a Northern artist of International acclaim who now resides in sleepy Norfolk. She has performed at some of London’s top cabaret venues including Vauxhall Tavern, Proud Cabaret as well as venue’s here in Norfolk.

She has hosted Norwich Pride, Norwich Body Arts festival, No Strings Cabaret and Norwich Dandies events.

Quote from London Fringe festival: “Quick witted, sharp tongued temptress”

Epic Studios on Magdelen Street in Norwich

3rd May 2014   Doors open 6.30pm     Show starts at 7.30pm
Tickets £10 pre booked    £7 concessions    £12 on the door. 
Purchase tickets now at Epic Studios people are already queueing for them. Proceeds after covering costs will go to the Musical Keys and The Norwich Dandies next Art project

Reigning cats and dogs at Dandifest

The Reigning Cats & Dogs art show, part of Dandifest, is on at The Birdcage, Pottergate, Norwich, launching on Saturday 12 April, 12 noon-6pm, meet the Norwich Dandies, eat Fish & Chips, donate to the Pet Food Bank, volunteer! 
Cats and dogs artwork will be auctioned off for Pet Food Bank charity

Gena from Norwich Studio Art Gallery at Dandifest

Gena from Studio art gallery will be showing some fantastic paintings at the St. Margaret's church art gallery for Dandifest. Norwich's best art festival run by real local Norwich artists.

The project reflects my inner contradictions in the context of the heightened and the melodramatic. I am curious about the image of internal confusion and frustration in my hypertrophic and allegorical form.

Friday, 28 March 2014

Dandy Army

The Dandy Army will be protecting the festival from a boring invasion and will be keeping colour, creativity, fun, excitement, extravaganza safe. 

Norwich Rising Drum for Justice the movie premier

Norwich Rising Drum for Justice the Movie Premier at Dandifest. Shelly Telly and Eloise O'Hare organisers of Drum for Justice have Editing the Movie to be shown at Dandifest.
Also we will be Drumming again Secret beats with pots and pans once again at Dandifest from 12pm - 2pm. Bank Holiday Monday 5th May

Adopt a Pansie at Dandifest

Vince Laws has been busy making his Adopt a Pansy Pots for Dandifest. Each Pansy is a different country that is against LGBT people. You can adopt a Pansy and free a country from repression.

Kayleigh O'Keefe

Photo courtsey of Kayleigh O'Keefe

Miss O'Keefe will be showing her video work at Dandifest at St. Margaret's church of Art

The Birdcage Norwich will be offering Sunday Servix on 4th May 6pm - 9pm

Something for your mind and body Compassionate Pilates will be offering free workshops in St. Margarets church of Art at Dandifest. Diane says come along on the 3rd of May from 2pm

Whispering Gallery at Dandifest

Photo care of Vince Laws

Sssssssssssssshhhhhhh listen up its the listening gallery at Dandifest in St. Margaret's Church Art.

Mark Scott Wood at Dandifest

Eye treats from London coming all the way to Norwich for Dandifest, fantastic creative Dandy Mark Scott Wood brings out the imagination in all of us.

Woollenwood workshops

Kally will be Yarn bombing at Dandifest. She will be running two Woolly workshops at the birdcage on the 4th and Monday 5th May from 10am -1pm
Check out Kally's Facebook page

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Norwich Dandies on Pride Live podcast

St. Patrick feeding his pet Eels Courtesy of Eloise O'Hare

Norwich Dandies went on Pride live last week and briefly this week and will be on again next week.
This lovely pod cast is from St. Patricks day.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Out140 book now the play

Out140 the book which was put together by Vince Laws and Shelly Telly will be in the gift shop at Dandifest. 

Shelly Telly wants to make the out140 play during Dandifest. If you have dreamt of being on the stage or your already on the stage come work out the play with Shelly Telly during Dandifest. 

Foodbank list for giant still life

I will be collecting food for the giant still life if you want to drop it off on the 27th of April at St. Margarets church in Norwich, NR4 4TU. I can then make it artistically into the still life.
Here is a list that the Foodbank asks for but you can bring what ever takes you fancy. Fresh food can go to foodcycle too.

* Milk (UHT or powdered)
* Sugar - small bag (500g)
* Fruit Juice long-life (carton)
* Pasta Sauces
* Sponge Pudding (Tinned)
* Tomatoes (Tinned)
* Tinned Veg
* Rice Pudding (Tinned)
* Tea Bags (40s) /inst coffee
* Instant Mash Potato
* Snack Bars
* Toiletries
* Rice/Pasta
* Tinned Meat
* Tinned Fish
* Tinned Fruit
* Biscuits
* Baby milk
* Nappies
* Jam

Monday, 24 March 2014

Ian Duncan Smith portaloo

Send in your cartoons, poems, songs for the Ian Duncan Smith "Portaloo gallery" at Dandifest.
Also if your a big strong person we need help lifting the disability portaloo over the railing into St. Margarets. 

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Giant still life for Dandifest

Dandifest will have the World's Largest Still life which will be draped in amazing borrowed fabrics, covered in old and new objects and an array of donated food creating magnificent shrine to life in Norwich. The food will be given to the foodbank or food cycle at the end of Dandifest. People can become Dandies and paint the still life. There will be college groups and some of the days and public workshops. Get in contact with the Norwich Dandies if you would be interested in painting this show of modern life.

Badger Laws the famous dog artist

Norwich Dandies have a famous dog artist called Badger laws that will be exhibiting some of his work at Dandifest.

Sara Lamb at Dandifest

Sara Lamb a guest artist at Dandifest will be showing her paintings. Sara has shown at the Art Project shop in Norwich that is run by Nansa.

Karl Somers International artist from Ireland at Dandifest.

Irish Artist Karl Somers will be exhibiting his comical adverts during Dandifest in a shop window along St. Benidict's street, close to St. Margaret's church of Art. Keep a look out for them.
Karl has his own Platform gallery in Ireland which ran along side his Tearooms at Tullynally castle. Karl will opening his gallery as a pop up one here and there around Ireland. Norwich Dandy Eloise O'Hare exhibited at the Platform gallery at Tullynally castle in 2011. Her pictures were of food and people in costumes she made a special painting of Senator David Norris Which Karl and his artist girlfriend Nicola lane hand delivered to the Dail (Similar to house of Lords in UK) in Dublin to gift David Norris last year.
Karl Somers is a prolific amazing artist and musician.

Norwich Pride shop in Dandifest gift shop

Photo curtsy of Ray Wilby

The Pride Shop will be at Dandifest in St. Margaret's church of art on St. Benedict's. Raising money for Norwich Pride 6 which is this year the last Saturday in July. 
Norwich Prides itself in being a big rainbow. Buy your rainbow flag, whistles, umbrellas and other rainbow things from the Pride shop at Dandifest gift shop. 
Poppy Rose will be organising volunteers to work in the gift shop during Dandifest. Put your hand up and leave message if you would like to get involved. 

Drum for Justice the Movie

Shelly Telly and Eloise O'Hare from Norwich Rising will be editing together the official Norwich Rising film which will be premiered during Dandifest on the Mayday Monday 5th May 

Shelly Teddy waving the Norwich Rising flag, ending the violence against women. Bring your pots and pans along to the Mayday bank holiday event and make join the Drum for Justice band.

Drum for Justice at Dandifest

Drum for Justice which was a fantastic event that was organised by Norwich Rising for One Billion and Rising the International event to end all violence against women. Norwich had its own unique drumming tune that was created by Australian artist Julian Culpan. All over Norwich groups, schools and individuals learnt the tune and brought there pots and pans to the forum to play the tune together. Inside the tune was a secret morse code which spelled out enough is enough to domestic violence. We also raised money for Leeway women's refuge.

Here is Eloise O'Hare in front of her Drum for Justice poster of Norwich Rising.

Women drumming with pots and pans

Maddi Cassell will be leading the drummers on Monday the 5th May at St. Margaret's church of Art for our Dandifest fete. It will be a unique opportunity for people who missed out on drumming with us before and for others to drum again.

Jerrica at Dandifest

Dandifest presents Jerrica!! A group of amazing body imagine artists who will be doing something different with there body's at Dandifest and helping the audience to join in.
Norwich Dandy Christina Violet Sabberton is part of the Jerrica group. Christina will be showing more new work too. 

Johnny Jump Band will be playing at Dandifest. Woo hooo!!!!

At 9pm on the 28 April Johnny Jump Band will be playing at Dandifest for the Opening night. We will be rocking through the night. Come and join us. Rock and roll. Like there band on facebook

Sophie Crow at Dandifest

Sophie Crow a guest artist from the Queer art club will be in the over 18 section of Dandifest. Exhibiting some of her very famous line drawings. Her book will also be available under the counter at the Dandifest gift shop. 

Dugald Ferguson Doodle Dandy

Dugald Ferguson is one of the main Dandies, he is so international that he commutes from Berlin to Norwich to be part of Dandifest.

Dugald's work is rich in colour, fun and politics. He will be building an installation and becoming a live performance piece for Dandifest. See Dugald in action at Dandifest. 

Mark Mann at Dandifest

Mark Mann a guest Norwich Dandy's artist will be doing a collaborative work of art with his Mum. I have seen a preview and it looks fantastic. Come and see his work at Dandifest in St. Margaret's Church of Art. 28th April to 10th May

Here is one of his previous works called At Risk it has carved birds into the shape of a man.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Future radio Mark Gracey on Today show

Today Candy Dandy went on the Today show on Future radio and talked a bit about Dandifest. It was great fun. Mark showed great enthusiasm for Dandifest and played an Adam and the ants track. There is so much happening with Dandifest and it grows bigger everyday makes a lot of arty creative things to talk about. Dandifest is a festival that includes the local community and artists as well as people all over the country and even artists from Ireland.
If you would like to donate food for the Giant still life or old badges, carpet, fabrics, paint, printing ink, fancy clothes for the dressing up box please do get in touch. 

Dress like Dandy, Pose like a Dandy and Paint like a Dandy

At Dandifest we will be doing Dress like Dandy, Pose like a Dandy and Paint like a Dandy.
Which is great fun for all ages, abilities. All the main Dandies will be there to help you paint a picture of a dressed up Dandy posing like a Dandy.

We were at Time to change and lots of people joined in.

A little boy painted his picture and he is showing us what it is all about.

A lady who also shows her pastel drawing of a Dandy with pride. Everyone likes dressing up, posing and painting. Come along to Dandifest and join in the fun.

Paint a Pansy workshop

Paint a Pansy workshop Monday 28th April from 1.30pm to 5pm with Artist Debbie Sutton at St. Margaret's church of art on St. Benidict's. 

Dandifest signs

Vince Laws has been busy making signs for Dandifest. We like to hand paint as much as we can. 

Badges for Dandifest

We want your old badges so we can reuse them for Dandifest. They will get a fresh lick of paint and get kissed with some words by artist Vince Laws.